midterm|midterms in English


['mɪdtɜrm /-tɜːm]

middle of the term (school term, term of office, etc.); middle of the semester; test in the middle of the school term

Use "midterm|midterms" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "midterm|midterms" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "midterm|midterms", or refer to the context using the word "midterm|midterms" in the English Dictionary.

1. 2 I bombed my midterm.

2. We get killed in the midterms, we can kiss 2016 goodbye.

3. 5 Alison has a history midterm next week.

4. 4 The midterm elections brought huge Republican gains.

5. 11 The midterm examination will be beginning next Tuesday.

6. He would've been on time for his midterm.

7. I need to talk to you about your midterm exam.

8. 10 Midterm examination and solutions has been released. Download HERE.

9. 19 It won't be long before we have the midterm examination.

10. So, it wasn't that the midterm was a total loss.

11. 9 Student: Professor, will chapter four be on the midterm?

12. Do at least one explication by midterm, another before Lecture

13. 6 Nixon was the first president to resign in midterm.

14. 23 Dad volunteered to coach me in English before my English midterm.

15. 14 This section contains the midterm exam and solutions for the course.

16. 18 He did not hand in his midterm paper on time.

17. 3 She must rub up her English for the midterm examination.

18. Please, it's my midterm next week and my books were stolen.

19. 13 The midterm tests for background information on the U.S. system.

20. 1 The governing party usually does badly in midterm by-elections.

21. Congresses Midterm Symposia: Geospatial Week: Scientific Initiatives: Education Initiatives: Keynote Speaker: Centenary: Video

22. 8 Before the midterm elections in 19 the Republicans promised a tax cut.

23. 20 There will be a written assignment besides midterm and final exams.

24. 17 Enclosed is the format guideline of midterm report for your reference.

25. 27 My parents had a long talk with me after the midterm examination.